
Kokoda, Papua New Guinea

A difficult hike physically and mentally from Owens Corner to Kokoda following the path the Australian Soldiers took when fighting in WWII.

How many days: 7

Length: 96km

Accomodation: Open huts

How to get there: We flew into and out of Port Morsby. We were picked up by a local tour company. You are unable to do this hike without a guide and it is not recommended for security reasons.

Feeling: I didn’t expect to be moved by the history of the place as I actually was. It wasn’t supposed to be a history trip for us, just a show in strength and endurance. There is definitely something to be said for standing in a place where so much violence and loss took place. One thing that cheered me up was the many children who came to say hello as we walked through their villages. Picininny is the word for children in pigeon. They love when you try to speak to them in their own tongue.

Details: To be updated

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